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    March 14, 1957 - Israel

    Chaos had taken place for quite awhile in the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas. However, a very important turn of events had taken place. One of those events included the joining of Jerusalem and the U.S. along with the United Nations in order to campaign against the re-entry of Egypt to The Strip.

    March 14, 2011 - United Kingdom

    Bans Immigrant Takeout Chefs, The government in the United Kingdom announced that immigrants from outside the European Economic Area will be banned from working as chefs in takeaway restaurants in the UK. A ban that is similar to that will also apply to immigrants working as realtors, beauty salon managers, and hairdressers.



  • All of us have a God in us
    by Earth Day, Kenya

    "...All of us have a God in us, and that God is the spirit that unites all life, everything that is on this planet. It must be this voice that is telling me to do something, and I am sure it'as the same voice that is speaking to everybody on this planet at least everybody who seems to be concerned about the fate of the world, the fate of this planet. Wangari Maathai-Noble Peace prize winner, Deputy Minister of Environment, founder Green Belt movement in Kenya...."
  • Rules for Happiness
    by Immanuel Kant

    "...Rules for Happiness: Something to do, Someone to love, Something to hope for...."


  • More vehicles
    about Stolen On New Year's

    More vehicles are stolen on New Year's Day than any other holiday throughout the year. (So does that mean thieves are having their last fling before changing their ways or are they trying for a big score to start the New Year?) Salary
    about Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs' annual salary was $1, just enough to keep company health benefits.

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Website preview thumbnail for : Aviva Directory
A paid general website directory with everything from arts and literature to news, articles, and links about travel listed.
Website preview thumbnail for : Bsue Boutiques
Offers vintage look chains, clasps and earring findings, jewelry stampings, tools and glue.
Website preview thumbnail for : Citizens Bank
Open a Citizens Bank account and discover convenient online banking features and the personal finance options that you deserve. Choose a checking account or high interest savings account that fits ...
Website preview thumbnail for : Search Office Space
Search Office Space was founded in 1993 by Richard Smith in order to bring together all elements of the serviced office space market into one convenient single point of contact, with clients having...

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Search engine is the term with which we are accustomed with very much. But the web directory is not that same. The web directories are older than search engines according to the time of their invention.
Friendship poems happen to be just the best medium of expressing eternal friendship to that special friend. You can let all the love and affection you possess flow out, right onto the paper lying in front of you, through a sweet little friendship.
Unfortunately just like humans our pets will age too. With the aging process comes health problems and with health problems comes very expensive vet bills. Research you dog
A whipsaw is a representation of profit-taking going on in the market.

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