July 27, 1866 - North America and Europe

    Cyrus W. Field finally succeeded, after two failures, in laying the first underwater telegraph cable 1,686 miles long across the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe. Massachusetts merchant and financier Cyrus W. Field first proposed laying a 2,000-mile copper cable along the ocean bottom from Newfoundland to Ireland in 1854, but the first three attempts ended in broken cables and failure. Field's persistence finally paid off in July 1866, when the Great Eastern, the largest ship then afloat, successfully laid the cable along the level, sandy bottom of the North Atlantic.

    July 27, 1888 - Boston usa

    The first U.S. electric automobile, designed by Philip W. Pratt, was demonstrated in Boston, a tricycle powered by six Electrical Accumulator Company cells, weighing 90 pounds. Pratt held a number of patents as an inventor, the most significant being the first practical automatic fire sprinkler system (1872). His other inventions included furniture pads for chair leg tips (1878), a spring toy gun (1892), glazed target for vacuum-tipped toy arrows (1890), crutch (1901) and a bath mitten (1889). Some years earlier than Pratt's tricycle, in 1874, a three-wheeled electric vehicle had been built earlier by Sir David Salomons in Tunbridge Wells, England. It was a 1 h.p. device powered by Bunsen cells. By 1895, the first British manufacturer of electric cars was Acme & Immisch Electrical Works at Chalk Farm, London.



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Friendship Poem :

Choose Your Color :


Friendship poems happen to be just the best medium of expressing eternal friendship to that special friend. You can let all the love and affection you possess flow out, right onto the paper lying in front of you, through a sweet little friendship.


Writing poems can be real fun for many but, it can prove to be something that will need a deep thought. Friends write each other poems for different reasons and the main ones include the following. If you are just looking for Friendship Poems, your work will be easier. Look for an attractive material to write on; also with the color that will please your friend.

Embarking on finding good poems for friends should take time. Go online and discover a world of poems. First, you have to know that apart from what you write in a poem, it is how you present it also. You even need to be more creative if you plan to write a poem. Do not seek perfection and you will not be disappointed. If they need to be encouraged, do so and, you will make an impact. You can also package the poem in a mysterious yet special way. Remember, optimism is the key to having all the friends that you can cherish.

You do not have to worry about this because when you love your friends, you will say the right words. There are so many poems out there that you can use. You will just look for the right poem that best describe what you want to say. With a good name, you will be in a position to earn the respect that you deserve making you a good friend.

However, the poems can prove to be very overwhelming for you. Finding good poems for friends is what you need to get up to if you want to make a good name for yourself in the friend circle. When you really know your friends well, it should not be hard to know the kind of words they want to hear. Friends may be participating in a celebration for an achievement; they may also be comforting mates who are in problems. In other words, poems for friends are really for special reasons. Use poems to invest in relationships and you will see the fruits of a true friendship. The best way is to put heartfelt words to a poem that you send out to your friend Poems for friends therefore need to be personalized.

Finding Good Poems for friends will drive you to write them, when you feel like you are up to it. Rushing into the process will only produce something mediocre. Some time will ensure that you do things right. Time will tell whether your friendships are worth investing in or not. You need to be creative while looking for good poems. Poems are also used to remind people that someone really cares for them. This way, it is not your creativity that matters but, your deep concern and affection for your friend. Just like any other relationships, friendships will only progress when you put some good work in them. Your words need to have the ability to capture the heart and arrive at something heartrending. They need to make the impact they are designed to. Remember, you are not just writing or saying the words; it is better if you actually mean them.


  • Friendship Day Poem for Friends
    Friendship poems happen to be just the best medium of expressing eternal friendship to that special friend. You can let all the love and affection you possess flow out, right onto the paper lying in front of you, through a sweet little friendship poem.


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