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    March 14, 1957 - Israel

    Chaos had taken place for quite awhile in the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas. However, a very important turn of events had taken place. One of those events included the joining of Jerusalem and the U.S. along with the United Nations in order to campaign against the re-entry of Egypt to The Strip.

    March 14, 2011 - United Kingdom

    Bans Immigrant Takeout Chefs, The government in the United Kingdom announced that immigrants from outside the European Economic Area will be banned from working as chefs in takeaway restaurants in the UK. A ban that is similar to that will also apply to immigrants working as realtors, beauty salon managers, and hairdressers.



  • The wealth of the nation
    by Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson

    "...The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity that'as all there is. That'as the whole economy. That'as where all the economic activity and jobs come from. These biological systems are the sustaining wealth of the world...."
  • No Man is Above the Law
    by Theodore Roosevelt

    "..."No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."..."


  • Harvard Medical School
    about Eyesight Myth and Fact

    Myth: Staring at a computer screen all day is harmful to the eyes. Fact: Spending the day staring at a screen can tire or strain your eyes, but it will not hurt them. Make sure lighting doesn't create a glare on your screen. When spending long periods at your keyboard, take a break now and then to rest your eyes to reduce fatigue. Also, don't forget to blink. Your eyes need to stay lubricated to feel comfortable. Salary
    about Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs' annual salary was $1, just enough to keep company health benefits.

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Has grown into the largest supplier of live entertainment for weddings, corporate events and private parties in the UK. With over 90,000 previous customers and an artist roster of over 1750 bands, ...
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Open a Citizens Bank account and discover convenient online banking features and the personal finance options that you deserve. Choose a checking account or high interest savings account that fits ...
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The professional and efficient chauffeurs of limo hire in London can help you reach your destinations comfortably on time.

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A whipsaw is a representation of profit-taking going on in the market.
Unfortunately just like humans our pets will age too. With the aging process comes health problems and with health problems comes very expensive vet bills. Research you dog
The course of the River Thames as we know it today was created about 10,000 years ago, by melt water from the ice-sheets that covered much of the United Kingdom during the last ice-age...
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