March 15, 2006 - New York City USA

    in New York City, A stockpile of provisions that were made for the survival of residents if New York City had been hit by a nuclear attack has been found inside the masonry foundations of Brooklyn Bridge. City workers had been conducting a regular structural inspection of the bridge when they came across the cold-war-era hoard of water drums, medical supplies, survivor blankets, drugs and food in the 350,000 Civil Defense All Purpose Survival Crackers. These are said to been put there in the 1950's.

    March 15, 1938 - Germany

    On the same day of one of Hitler's addresses to over seven million people, it is declared that Jews will not be allowed to vote. This event took place after Hitler's return from his trip to Austria, and after Austria's treasury was combined with Germany's.



  • Rules for Happiness
    by Immanuel Kant

    "...Rules for Happiness: Something to do, Someone to love, Something to hope for...."
  • No Man is Above the Law
    by Theodore Roosevelt

    "..."No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."..."


  • More vehicles
    about Stolen On New Year's

    More vehicles are stolen on New Year's Day than any other holiday throughout the year. (So does that mean thieves are having their last fling before changing their ways or are they trying for a big score to start the New Year?) Drug Abuse
    about Facts about Drugs

    Facts about drugs can protect against drug abuse. Legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, kill more people than illegal drugs. Tobacco (smoking cigarettes) kills more people than any other drug. Illegal drugs including heroin, cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines can have unknown or dangerous ingredients. Mixing drugs, especially with alcohol, can be fatal.

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The course of the River Thames as we know it today was created about 10,000 years ago, by melt water from the ice-sheets that covered much of the United Kingdom during the last ice-age...
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