February 1, 2010 - United States

    Barack Obama has canceled NASA's plans for taking men to the Moon. The Constellation program had been looking at new rockets and a crewship to put astronauts on the lunar surface by 2020. In the 2011 budget request that was issued on Monday, February 1st, Obama has said that the project is too costly, 'behind schedule, and lacking in innovation.'

    February 1, 1972 - United States

    The first scientific hand-held calculator was introduced for $395 by Hewlett- Packard, named the HP-35 for having 35 keys. It was the first hand-held calculator able to perform logarithmic and trigonometric functions with one keystroke. The red LED display could give scientific notation up to 10 digits mantissa and 2 digits exponent. The price was reduced several times, eventually to $195. By Feb 1975 (when production of the model was discontinued), 300,000 had been sold. The numbers and functions for calculations were entered in “Reverse Polish Notation”(RPN), which used an “ENTER” key but needed no parentheses or “=” key. It ran on rechargeable batteries and had electronics with several integrated circuits in a 79 ×147×34 mm (3.1" x 5.8" x 1.4") case.



  • Until a man duplicates a blade of grass
    by Earth Day, Thomas Alva Edison Inventor

    "...Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, Nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favorable comparison with the products of Nature, the living cell of a plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life...."
  • The Revolution
    by John Adams

    "...The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution...."


  • Drug Abuse
    about Facts about Drugs

    Facts about drugs can protect against drug abuse. Legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, kill more people than illegal drugs. Tobacco (smoking cigarettes) kills more people than any other drug. Illegal drugs including heroin, cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines can have unknown or dangerous ingredients. Mixing drugs, especially with alcohol, can be fatal. Cancer Facts & Figures
    about Besides Lung Cancer

    Besides lung cancer, tobacco use also increases the risk for cancers of the mouth, lips, nasal cavity (nose) and sinuses, larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, cervix, colon/rectum, ovary (mucinous), and acute myeloid leukemia.

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It all started in a drug store of all places changed a lot over the years. New buildings More products had to work hard. We HAVE to try harder because we are still a small, family owned, art supply company. We go the extra mile to offer the BEST value in the United States.


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