April 23, 1979 - USA

    Major oil companies have been reporting sharp profit increases in profits, the profits have been made due to the large increases in supply prices and the President Carter is thinking of implementing a windfall profits tax on oil companies excessive profits. In 1980 The United States government did levy the tax on oil companies because of the profits they earned as a result of the sharp increase in oil prices brought about by the Arab oil embargo ( ring any bells ).

    April 23, 2010 - USA, Arizona

    Arizona's governor, Jan Brewer, has signed an immigration bill into law that is seen as one of the toughest in the U.S., despite criticism of it by President Obama. The bill will require State Police to question people about their immigration status if there is 'reasonable suspicion.'Its aim is to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants, although it has already unleashed protests and reignited the divisive battle over immigration reform.



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    by John Adams

    "...The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution...."


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    about Eyesight Myth and Fact

    Myth: Staring at a computer screen all day is harmful to the eyes. Fact: Spending the day staring at a screen can tire or strain your eyes, but it will not hurt them. Make sure lighting doesn't create a glare on your screen. When spending long periods at your keyboard, take a break now and then to rest your eyes to reduce fatigue. Also, don't forget to blink. Your eyes need to stay lubricated to feel comfortable. Drug Abuse
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    Facts about drugs can protect against drug abuse. Legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, kill more people than illegal drugs. Tobacco (smoking cigarettes) kills more people than any other drug. Illegal drugs including heroin, cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines can have unknown or dangerous ingredients. Mixing drugs, especially with alcohol, can be fatal.

All About Symbols :

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The article is dedicated to the descriptions of symbols and their role in our life. Much emphasis is paid to the significance of symbols used in works of art.


Symbols are objects, pictures, written words, sounds or something like that and imply ideas, thoughts, notions, feelings and beliefs. A number of them are very common, like white rectangle on red background referring to "STOP" ,others have particular meaning and evoke deep emotions. For instance, such symbols are the Judaic Star of David or the crucifix in Christianity.

We are surrounded by symbols. Every day we are faced with something that has a symbolic sense. You may see symbols on money, in books, commercials, music compositions, politics etc. To understand the significance of a symbol a person has to know what this symbol refers to. For example, the Chinese symbol of yin and yang looks like an amusing image with white and black colors for people that don't know the underlying significance of the sign. They can enjoy its aesthetic side, but they do not see more than that. On the contrary, in case a person understands the origin of the symbol he sees not just a picture, but an idea of deep correlation of things in our lives.

During the history of humanity symbols were widely applied in art. So, one item on a painting tells a lot about the situation, the concepts of the painter, his views on life and aspirations. To understand the secret significance of a book or a music composition we need to be very attentive to details. Every now and then we need to read critics on a definite piece of art so as to get the idea of the author. This is because the symbols language isn't so simple. So what are the most popular symbols in art and what do they stand for?

Amidst the most common symbols applied in works of art are a book, a candle, a clock and mirrors. A book generally implies knowledge and learning. If you see a lightened candle on a painting it is in most cases a symbol of religion or time passing. On the other hand, a put-out candle implies death and mourning. A clock refers to the time passing. On this point the world-known painting of Salvador Dali called "Melting clocks" implies an idea that nothing in our lives is in keeping with some rules. And eventually, a mirror stands for attempts to get the truth, but in some cases it just implies the vanity.

In such a way, symbols are everywhere in our world. We just need to pay a little more attention to details to see them.


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