January 22, 1939 - Columbia University in New York City, U.S.A.

    The uranium atom was split for the first time using the cyclotron at Columbia University in New York City. Thus began the Manhattan Project, leading to the construction of the atom bomb. The project was subsequently moved inland to the University of Chicago to protect the research from any possible German bombing of New York. (Also the weight of the apparatus was so great that the floor was in danger of collapsing!) The cyclotron that performed the first-ever fission experiment was designed and built (1935-36) by John R. Dunning, who became Dean of the Engineering School, 1950-69). In 1965, the cyclotron was taken to the Smithsonian Institute. The original invention of the first cyclotron was by physicist Ernest Lawrence.

    January 22, 1997 - Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

    American Lottie Williams was reportedly the first human to be struck by a remnant of a space vehicle after re-entering the earth's atmosphere. At 3 a.m., while walking in a park in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she saw a light pass over her head. “It looked like a meteor,” she said. Minutes later, she was hit on the shoulder by a six-inch piece of blackened metallic material. The debris that struck Ms. Williams has not been examined to confirm its origin, but a used Delta II rocket, launched nine months earlier, had crashed into the Earth's atmosphere half an hour earlier. NASA scientists believe that Williams was hit by a part of it, making her the only person in the world known to have been hit by man-made space debris.



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Getting Your Cheese Facts Straight :

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People all around the globe love their cheese. It doesn't matter if you love good ole American cheese or if you enjoy Feta cheese, there is a flavor and texture out there for everyone to enjoy. Whether you just enjoy your cheese or you are a cheese connoisseur many people are unaware of the multitude of cheese facts that are available.


People all around the globe love their cheese. It doesn't matter if you love good ole American cheese or if you enjoy Feta cheese, there is a flavor and texture out there for everyone to enjoy. Whether you just enjoy your cheese or you are a cheese connoisseur many people are unaware of the multitude of cheese facts that are available. Many people just know that they love cheese, but don't know anything about the lengthy history or the actually process required to make their favorite cheese. On the internet you can find a wealth of cheese facts for any flavor or brand that has piqued your interest. Another way to find out cheese facts about your favorite brand is to visit the company''s website; they have lots of interesting particulars about their products.

Every company has their own unique technique for making their brand even though the basic steps may be the same. Everything from the ingredients, machinery, and equipment will affect the end product's flavor and consistency. If you are unable to find a particular cheese fact on a company's website you can phone, email or write to get the information. Many companies will mail you literature in the form of a brochure detailing the history and cheese related facts of their company.

Some Little-Known Cheese Facts

Many cheese producers have found that in order to retain customer loyalty to their brand they should make their information readily available. One of the little-known cheese facts is the fact that the female cows that are used for cheese production do have horns. These horns are then later removed to help the cow prevent hurting itself. These businesses have discovered that while the cows wander around grazing the risk for injury is just too great, so to avoid that possibility they are simply removed.

Most people don't want to know that type of information about the production part of cheese. Many cheese lovers would sooner just learn about history and enjoy their cheeses, discovering past times to learn the way cheese was first created, and why it has gained its present star popularity. Anyone who would like a little extra history with your cheese factoids, will find many more little snippets available. Did you know that cheese was once used as a currency in Denmark way back in the sixteenth century? Cheese and other food products were regularly used to pay their church taxes.

Facts about cheese can be very informative and fun and all the while give you more insight about the history of several societies. Have you any idea where your favorite cheese is made? Invest some of your time today and you will be pleasantly suprised at whay there is to lean.

Source : PLR


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