January 22, 1939 - Columbia University in New York City, U.S.A.

    The uranium atom was split for the first time using the cyclotron at Columbia University in New York City. Thus began the Manhattan Project, leading to the construction of the atom bomb. The project was subsequently moved inland to the University of Chicago to protect the research from any possible German bombing of New York. (Also the weight of the apparatus was so great that the floor was in danger of collapsing!) The cyclotron that performed the first-ever fission experiment was designed and built (1935-36) by John R. Dunning, who became Dean of the Engineering School, 1950-69). In 1965, the cyclotron was taken to the Smithsonian Institute. The original invention of the first cyclotron was by physicist Ernest Lawrence.

    January 22, 1997 - Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

    American Lottie Williams was reportedly the first human to be struck by a remnant of a space vehicle after re-entering the earth's atmosphere. At 3 a.m., while walking in a park in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she saw a light pass over her head. “It looked like a meteor,” she said. Minutes later, she was hit on the shoulder by a six-inch piece of blackened metallic material. The debris that struck Ms. Williams has not been examined to confirm its origin, but a used Delta II rocket, launched nine months earlier, had crashed into the Earth's atmosphere half an hour earlier. NASA scientists believe that Williams was hit by a part of it, making her the only person in the world known to have been hit by man-made space debris.



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    Myth: Staring at a computer screen all day is harmful to the eyes. Fact: Spending the day staring at a screen can tire or strain your eyes, but it will not hurt them. Make sure lighting doesn't create a glare on your screen. When spending long periods at your keyboard, take a break now and then to rest your eyes to reduce fatigue. Also, don't forget to blink. Your eyes need to stay lubricated to feel comfortable.

The Cruelty Of Claw Removal :

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Cats use their claws for various purposes. The claws are important to cats, as they are an essential part of balancing. If you've ever noticed a cat jumping and latching on to a high object, you've probably noticed that he uses his claws to pull himself up. When climbing trees, cats tend to use their claws to latch onto the bark and climb towards their destination.


Cats use their claws for various purposes. The claws are important to cats, as they are an essential part of balancing. If you've ever noticed a cat jumping and latching on to a high object, you've probably noticed that he uses his claws to pull himself up. When climbing trees, cats tend to use their claws to latch onto the bark and climb towards their destination.

Cats also use their claws for stretching, walking, and running as well. The claws are also a cat's primary source of defense against other animals and humans as well. Most cats keep their claws extremely sharp, as their claws and teeth are basically their only weapons. The claws are also essential for using the bathroom as well, as cats use them to cover up their mess with dirt.

Cats also use their claws to scratch things, which mark their territory. Their claws have glands, which contain a secretion. When they leave their mark on something, the secretion is transferred to the area they scratched. This is detectable to other cats although not to humans. Sometimes, they will also scratch something to remove the older claw which will fall off and give them a brand new claw that resides underneath.

As sad as it is, a lot of pet owners choose to put their own possessions above their cat, such as their expensive furniture or carpets. These cat owners are afraid that they cat will ruin their furniture or carpet, and therefore will choose to get their cat de-clawed. Getting a cat's claws removed is a surgical procedure, one that can only be performed by a veterinarian. The owner will need a good reason though, as a vet won't do the surgery just to keep one's furniture or carpet protected.

If you've been thinking of getting your cat de-clawed, you should know that the process can totally change his personality. Once the cat is de-clawed, he will be in pain and confused. He may not be able to jump in the window or on the couch, and he may not be able to play like he once did. Some cats, after being de-clawed, tend to get aggressive and bite with their teeth. To make a long story short, the cat will be completely miserable – which is a tough thing to bear for those who love their cats.

Those who decide to own cats should know that a cat can scratch on occasion. If someone isn't prepared to deal with that fact, they shouldn't own a cat in the first place. Cats are great pets, although they do have claws and they will use them on occasion. There are plenty of other great pets out there, if you aren't up for handling a cat. If you're just worried about your furniture or carpet, there are ways that you can keep your cat from scratching on your belongings.

The first thing to do is to get your cat a scratching post and let him know where it is and how to use it. You can also get a rush mat as well, which will help your cat with his instincts to scratch. You may have to demonstrate how to use the mat or the post at first, although your cat should catch onto it quick. Once you have shown him the ropes, he will scratch on the post or the mat “ and not your furniture or your carpet.

Although many don't realize it, there are other ways to protect your things other than getting your cat de-clawed. Getting a cat's claws removed is very painful and confusing to the cat, and may totally change his outlook on things. Before you decide to take the inhumane path of getting your cat de-clawed, you should look into your other available options- your cat will like these options much better.

Source : PLR


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